CAFG Announces Five Partial Scholarships To Mentor Program

The Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (*CAFG*) announces five partial scholarships to its mentor program. With a surge of new work for credentialed genealogists on military repatriation cases, CAFG has had several inquiries from researchers new to forensic work. CAFG, in partnership with Forensic Genealogy Services LLC, will offer up to five scholarships for one-half the annual mentor program fee to board-certified genealogists who have been hired to work on military cases. If other application requirements are met, the  minimum number of forensic cases may be waived to facilitate board-certified genealogists venturing into forensics through military cases. For more information, visit

Scholarships are available on a first come, first serve basis or until 21 January 2012 (the application deadline).