CAFG Announces One-Day Virtual Seminar

The Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) is pleased to announce its first ever one day seminar. On 27 April 2024 at 9:00am CST, CAFG will present a seminar on forensic genealogy with the following speakers and topics:

9:00 am – 7 Case Studies and Tools for the Successful Heir-search in Eastern Europe – Alina Khuda
10:00 am – An Introduction to Forensic Genetic Genealogy – Penny Walters
11:00 am – Adoption Research – Juli Whittaker, FGCSM
12:00 pm – Finding the Living – Juli Whittaker, FGCSM
1:00-1:30 pm – Lunch
1:30 pm – Opportunities and Developments in IGG Education – Andrew Hochreiter
2:30 pm – Probate Case Study – Juli Whittaker, FGCSM
3:30 pm – 20th Century POW Records in the US, Europe, and World-Wide – Kathy Kirkpatrick
4:30 pm – Military Repatriation – Juli Whittaker, FGCSM
Find detailed course descriptions and sign up on our website at the following
link: Cost is $100 for members and $125 for nonmembers.