The Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy (CAFG) is now accepting applications for TWO $225 scholarships to the 6th Annual Forensic Genealogy Institute (FGI), to be held March 7-9, 2017, at The Menger Hotel at the Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas. Registration is now open at Tuition for each course is $450, and the scholarships cover 50% of that fee. The scholarships to FGI 2017 are intended to lighten the financial burden of continuing education. CAFG wants to give forensic genealogists the opportunity to advance their skill set.
FGI 2017 will be a hands-on institute offering for forensic genealogists. Each FGI course offers 18+ hours of instruction by expert forensic and genetic genealogists in just three days, minimizing travel costs and time away from family and work. Seats are limited at FGI, so early registration is encouraged.
Scholarship Application Process
The FGI scholarship is open to all FGI 2017 registrants. Individuals interested in financial assistance to attend the institute should send a request of not more than 400 words to explaining how they feel receiving a FGI Scholarship might best help them within field of forensic genealogy. Applications are due Wednesday, January 25th, 2017. The scholarship recipient will receive a partial tuition refund of $225 once they have completed the institute.
Those wanting to apply for the scholarships but who have not yet registered for FGI can do so online at before submitting their application.