Demystifying the DMF

Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy has published a special edition of its newsletter Forensic Genealogy News.  This edition contains an article “Demystifying the DMF.”  This addresses a brief history of the Death Master File, the recent controversy surrounding it, my experience in applying to be certified for the new Limited Access Death Master File, and what I discovered once access was gained and I actually started using the new DMF.

Some myths have been debunked and new information about the DMF is discussed that is not currently available elsewhere.  Please feel free to share the link to the newsletter with others in the genealogical community.  The article is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without advance permission.  A source citation is included for those who wish to quote the article.

Go to the Resources page
and click the link for Vol 4 #3 Special DMF Edition.