Second Newsletter

Council for the Advancement of Forensic Genealogy is pleased to announce its second newsletter is now available at under “CAFG newsletter”, the link Vol. 1 #2, December 2011. As part of its commitment to a “paperless office”, CAFG publishes and distributes its newsletter in electronic format. Subscription is open to members of the organization, enrollees in the Mentor Program, and those who request a subscription.

This newsletter introduces new CAFG Mentor Enrollees Claudia Breland and Tina Sansone.

Michael S. Ramage, J.D., CG discusses “Fees and Forensic Genealogy” and the differences between hourly fee costs, flat fee and contingent fees.

Leslie Brinkley Lawson (Advanced Member), Michael S. Ramage, J.D., CG, Dee Dee King, CG (Advanced Member) and Tina Sansone (Mentor Program) are mentioned in the Noteworthy news.

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